Willard Weekly Submission Guidelines

If you would like to submit an article to the Willard Weekly, please contact the Editor at weekly@willardptg.org.


  • Submissions must be school or community related and not commercial in nature

  • It should be limited to 100 words or fewer, and must be sent as text in an email

  • Please include contact information or website link

  • The deadline for submissions is 6:00 PM on Tuesdays. Submissions received after deadline will go in the following week’s Willard Weekly.

  • Please note that an announcement generally runs for 2 weeks – first week to announce and second week to remind. Please time your submission accordingly.

  • All decisions are at the Editors’ discretion



A good post should include a short but descriptive title, date, time, location, overview of the event; a call-to-action link (visit, learn, register, etc) or contact info.