Tuesday, April 4 | 6:30pm | CCHS Auditorium or on zoom |Register now
The Concord and Concord-Carlisle SEPAC, Carlisle SEPAC, Willard PTG, Alcott PTG & CMS PTG invites the community to a free presentation by Dr. Ross Greene. Dr. Greene is a clinical psychologist and a New York Times bestselling author whose influential work is known around the world. He is well known for developing the model of care -- Collaborative and Proactive Solutions -- that helps parents, guardians and teachers solve problems and build collaborative relationships with the children in their care. In his most recent book, Raising Human Beings, he explains how to cultivate a better parent/guardian-child relationship while also nurturing empathy, honesty, resilience and independence. For more information about Dr. Ross Greene please visit the website of the non-profit he founded, www.livesinthebalance.org.